Version 4.0 of Rightpath’s proprietary claims platform, ATICS, is being rolled out in increments now, bringing with it a range of new features and service enhancements designed to make life easier for claimants and insurers alike.
Our platform is designed to provide both automation and complete synergy with offline, human-led service delivery at a balance driven by the requirements of insurers and the customers we serve.
But what are the challenges we work to overcome in bespoke development?
One significant challenge is time.
The development work queue is long and almost entirely driven by self-led improvements. Insurers get to jump the queue of course, but even though we are well-practised in rapid development, as a small team, development for claims automation takes time to build, test and get right before a feature even makes it into our live system environment.
One unfortunate victim of this has been the migration of full automated validation for all travel claim types from the legacy ATICS platform to the new platform. The redesign of the ATICS 4.0 platform to build the foundation for some of the planned new features means that the validation automation must be carefully migrated, individually by claim type. As a nice-to-have feature and not a service requirement, migration must happen in planned tranches to allow for other prioritised development work to take place.
There are undoubtedly many reasons why other claims services tend to operate within a specific mould which is very limiting. We believe that technology, for all its benefits, remains a significant hurdle for many.
Claims development can be hard work.
We have fun making technology work for us, but it is not easy. It is far easier to provide a basic service, but harder to make it work well for the claimant, the insurer and the TPA, and that’s not why we do what we do.
Applying technology to claims (and assistance), especially when you have to consider not one vertical but several live verticals, is a challenge, it is hard to get right, though it is a challenge we are uniquely practised at tackling.
We’ve noticed that, like most companies, we tend to cherry-pick when sharing our successes. What we don’t share are the many hours spent dissecting a particular pain point, or chasing down a technical solution, or working out how to integrate it safely and effectively with every other process (in a test environment) for optimal control, and usually without precedence to guide us.
The side effect is that sometimes new features are brought about organically because of the steps above, where we set out to achieve X and discover we can do Y and Z too. This is a proactive process that happens all day, every working day.
That said, we’re not all knee-deep in system automation…
As mentioned above, we’re quite good at talking about our technical accomplishments, particularly around innovation, and you could be forgiven for thinking we’re focused on digital service delivery only.
However, to put this in perspective, it is worth considering that our development team is greatly outnumbered by the members of our frontline claims teams, armed with their many decades of claims experience.
It is important to highlight this, for although on the surface, innovation is how we regularly strive to set our services apart from a standard claims management model, the results remain within service delivery. Our human-led customer service is where our expertise shines through to the customer. This is what is of ultimate importance.
From Development to Operations to Claims, as ‘claims’ people, we all believe the claims experience can always be made better. This is why we do what we do.
In Conclusion
Rising to challenges is necessary for growth. We understand many of the challenges currently facing insurers when delivering claims services and welcome new opportunities to collaborate on proven solutions.
Because of this, we recently put together a Rapid Onboarding Pack (to fulfil an identified need to remove the pain of onboarding a new claims service provider). To find out more contact us on 01268 214096, or email